Monday, January 23, 2012

Welcoming the Dragon Year

To everyone who is celebrating the Lunar New Year, a very warm Happy New Year to all of you! Wishing everyone good health, fortune and luck for the dragon year!

This year, after all the past years spent abroad, i was finally able to spend CNY here wif all my families. So everyone, i really had a warm new year :) It feels so good spending CNY wif my loved ones, stuffing myself with cakes and cookies, eating tangerines every hour, seeing cousins n relatives whom I havent seen for a long time, and also getting lots of red packets $.$

But, everytime at a family gathering, the same conversation would happen. People would ask me whether i have a boyfriend. To those who are attached, they will ask when will they get married. To those married, they will ask when will they give birth. I guss this happens to all Chinese families...oh well...we get the same question every year!

So for this dragon year, i heard some fortune teller says that Snakes are going to be lucky and will have a smooth sail. I cross my fingers on that. I guess i really need a lot of luck this year, both in my career and also in my personal relationship. I hope next year i will have an answer to one of those questions :D

The long weekend pasts so fast that it is time to go to work again tomorrow :( I should also stop making CNY an excuse for stuffing myself. But all the chinese believe that fat/plump = luck right? Lol...

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Saturday, January 21, 2012

I love my Prada Infusions!

I love Prada's line of Infusion eau de parfum! It started from my discovery of Prada Infusion de Iris, which I fell in love immediately. I wore it everyday, to school, lunch, etc. It is a fragrance that is suitable for both summer and winter. It is so clean and fresh, and it doesnt smell too overwhelming or overly sweetish feminine. So imagine my delight when I discovered that there are additions to the Infusions line, limited edition ones! Gasp! 

I first saw Infusion de Fleur D' Orangier at a Prada boutique in Hong Kong. After trying it and leaving it on my skin for a few hours, I came back again the next day to purchase it. Turns out that it is all sold out in the whole country, and those are just samples displayed in the store!!! T.T I was soo sad that I tried to search every single store in Hong Kong and Singapore to no avail, as it is limited edition and sells out fast. Then I discovered Infusion De Tuberose in China, but decided not to purchase it cause I wasn't so into it at that time, it has this Mediterranean feel to it, like a spa, but I regret it after wards, as usual. It leaves behind a scent so soft, just like bathing in flower water. The citrus in it also adds some sparkling freshness to the flowery note. It turns out that other than China, nowhere else still has it anymore :(

So imagine my delight when I saw both of these fragrances in Indonesia! Gosh now I am so in love with Indonesia, I think it is because there isn't a huge market for luxury products here, and that everyone who can afford luxury products had gone shopping overseas, that every limited edition items that has been sold out everywhere is still full in stock here! I tried both, but couldn't decide on just one. Orange has this strong Jasmine note on the first spray, and after a while it leaves behind a very soft and feminine soapy powdery scent. At first it smells like Juicy Couture, but much more elegant. Tuberose smells more flowery, with a citrus base to it, but it disappears faster than Orange. Ironically, both of them contains similar ingredients. Tuberose has Blood Orange in it, while Orange has Tuberose in it! LOL! It just differs on the proportions (couldn't find the right word), and which note is stronger. So anyway....I got both!!! I still use my Iris which is running out fast for normal daily activities, Tuberose when I feel more feminine, Orange for a more formal occasion as I feel that it is stronger than the other two. Right now all I want is Infusion de Rose, which I haven't tried and haven't seen anywhere. I have faith that I will love it though. Once I have that, then my Infusions collection will be complete! But I doubt that I'll ever find it....:(

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

2012 starts off well...

Today, i crossed a list off my 2012 New Year's Revolution, and that is...I GOT A JOB!!!

Wheee! My New Year's Revolution was kinda private though, so it was posted in a different blog than this, my diary blog, but now i think i will get used to writing diary posts here too...i hope :)

So I applied for 2 jobs...A and B...B contacted me first for an interview on wednesday, while A called afterwards for an interview on Monday...technically B called first but A scheduled the apptmt earlier than B. Initially i was more interested in the merchandising job for B, but after i went to A's interview on Monday, i just fell in love with the job description. Needless to say, while i was at B, i was disappointed by their job description and wasnt so excited bout it anymore. So then, A wanted to meet again on friday, telling me i got hired bla4. The salary was lower han expected but heell...i wasnt seeking the salary, i was seeking the job experience. So then they wanted me to make a decision straight away...and to come for work straight away on Monday. Oh gosh, that's so intense! I am not someone who can make decisions so easily. Usually i let others figure out the decision for me, and most of the times i just leave it to fate. Most of the time i do get lucky just by depending on fate alone. (except that fate hasnt helped me at all in my love life :( ) So i got home...talked with my family, and then called them up once i wake up the next day, and 5 min after that phone call my phone rang! B called to tell me that i got the job and they wanted me to come to discuss salaries etc. =.="

So i come to realize that some things are just meant to be. Fate really do happens in life. Perhaps if B had asked me first and i worry bout not having a job, i would have just accepted their offer before A called me. If i had woken up 5 min later, i might not be sitting here in my job desk right now. I know it is too early to say this but, first day at work, though i didnt really do anything, i find myself falling in love with the environment n everyone here. It was everything i could have dreamed of, the perfect first job for me. I was so afraid of the formal work environment but this wasnt anything like that. Everyone just enjoyed working here, it was so obvious i can see all their passion and love coming to work.

I hope that after i get my formal desk n tasks i could still say i love the job...right now i am so bored with having nothing to do and not knowing anyone right here. So lets pray for the best. 2012 hwaiting!!! So far the year has come to a good start...i hope the most important thing in my revolution list can come true though...hihi...they say this dragon year is a lucky year for snakes like i am hoping for the best :)

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Seungri Panda Ring!!!

I totally fell in love with the panda ring panda (Big Bang's Seungri) wore during Big Show concerts! He had been proudly flashing this rings as often as possible in front of the cameras, and I am sure lots of VIPs noticed the ring. Fortunately, i was able to order it online from Butler & Wilson. Ta-da!! This ring has become my new fav ring ^^

OH and before I forget, HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!! I'm not even sure who has been reading my blog, but i know that i enjoy writing these stuff down for my own memories, so if you happen to be reading this, thank you for visiting and Happy New Year to you!!! May 2012 be a year full of love, blessings, joy and happiness for you and your family! Cheers!! ^^